Saturday, 27 February 2010



Today I pitched the idea of my final outcome to the group and tutors. I feel that the presentation went really well and im feeling really confident about where I am heading with this idea. One problem that was mentioned from one of my peers was that how is the reward scheme going to be fair, because some people walk and run everywhere, where as other people can't do so. This made me think of a solution to this problem.

The reward scheme will work by measuring how much electricity they have used compared to the week before, this will be done through their meter readings.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

I feel a lot better about my idea after today's tutorial, during this first stage of the project I was told to try visualizing a few experiments to help me get to the final solution. So I tried out few experiments that I felt would help me towards my final outcome, the first was to write a survey to find out other peoples opinions about being living a more sustainable lifestyle. So I achieved that and was inspired to create some sort of experiment from the answers that I received. For example many of the answers where that people forget to do the simple things like, recycle and turn off light switches etc. The other experiment that I have perused, was an experiment on myself, I calculated my actions over one week and then created a graphical outcome from all of the appliances that I use in my home. The outcome can be found in my development book.

Now that I have got to the stage where I have created a few experiments, the tutorial was mainly focused on pushing me to start designing the final outcome. I am pleased with this because I have been waiting to jump in and start designing the intended solution to this problem.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Act on C02 (Drive 5 miles less a day)

This Act on C02 advert focusing on conveying the message to the audience that by driving 5 miles less a week could make a huge difference to the world we live in.
It's quite clever as at the start of the advertisement the car exhaust is mistaken for a chimney. Over 40% of C02 emissions are caused by the things we do as individuals and car travel is the single biggest contributor to this.

This advert works really well as it reminds people to do the simplest things that could reduce there bills, and save energy.
It's things like turning a light switch off that could save energy and reduce your bills.

Act on C02 Advert

This act on C02 advert goes through the typical home appliances such as kettles, washing machines, telephones etc, most of the energy they use is burning gas, oil and coal which admit C02 emissions that effects the climate.

Monday, 15 February 2010

This is an advert from Kenco, they have decided to think of a way that they can use less packaging. So they have decided to use a eco-friendly refill bag instead of using the glass jar. Not only does this prevent people having to recycle their glass jar's, but it is also helping to improve the environment. It is good to see that company's like this are doing what they can to help people live a greener lifestyle.

Friday, 12 February 2010

After today's tutorial I feel that I need to start experimenting with some visual ideas. As the feedback from my learning agreement was to start experimenting visual ideas. My feedback was that I have started to think about the final outcome to early on in the project. So I intend to create a series of visual experiments that will lead to a final outcome.

The feedback on my learning agreement was to provide a methodology, and to think about the project as a research led outcome that develops through the engagement of a series of experiments.

The ideas that I have had for my experiments so far are:

  • To see how much I recycle during a week and create a piece of info graphics from.
  • Create an animation from the facts and figures that I have found about climate change.
  • Create a system that measures how much people have done (reduced C02).
  • Take the two countries that have the largest and the smallest c02 emissions and demonstrate this visually.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Reward system

I have had a new idea to add to my project that I feel could work really well. I found that there is no incentive for people who are not too bothered about maintaing a greener lifestyle, so I have come up with idea of having a reward scheme, where by each time the person does something good for the environment that get rewarded.

The way in which I intend to create the reward system is similar to the way the nectar card runs. The nectar card works by swiping a card each time you purchase a product at a certain place, you then get points that add onto your nectar account, the more expensive the item, the more points are rewarded.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Evaluation, Career Planning and Enterprise

After today's tutorial I have realized how much work there is to be done. So I intend to write myself a time plan to help me organise my work. I have already started working on my PDF Portfolio, so within this week I intend to get that completed. Then I will be working on thinking about how I will write the written piece for the brief.

  • Review of possible destinations
  • Critical reflection and developing a profile sympathetic to a chosen destination
  • Documenting practice in level 6 with particular emphasis on the Major Project
  • Critically reviewing and monitoring suitability of ‘portfolio’

To start with I have gone through the companies that I like the look of and feel myself gaining a possible job at. Below I have listed some websites of the type of design agencies that I intend to approach. I have designed my learning agreement to adapt to where I would like to be when I finish the course, In other words I have created a project in the area of design that I am interested in.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

My other idea was to see how much each country is polluting the air of the world and then portray this using information graphics.
Since the tutorial on friday, I have been thinking about what product that I could create that would help people to live a greener lifestyle. The idea that I have in mind is to design a product that will be applied into each home, the product is a hand held touch screen device that calculates your daily carbon footprint.

Friday, 5 February 2010

Today I had my first tutorial for the EMP, I was in a group with 5 or so people, we each discussed our learning agreements with the tutor. I received some positive feedback about my learning agreement and also some things to take into consideration. Below are some notes that I made during the tutorial.

The methodology that I will provide to get to this point is somewhat vague- I need to conduct a series of experiments that will lead me to my final outcome, these experiments can be research based.

  • The idea is sound and achievable.
  • Does it need to be a website, if not what else could it be?
  • What is the first experiment that I will decide to do this week?
  • Could you make it some new product that nobody has got?
Since the tutorial I have been thinking about how I could conduct my first experiment, I have had two ideas. The first one is to note down all of the things that I do during one day in my normal lifestyle, then the next day I could try to improve my lifestyle by making it greener, then at the end of the experiment I could create a piece of graphical information through the results that I have gathered during the experiment. The second idea is to produce a survey which asks students questions about the lifestyle that they live, from the feedback that I receive I could create a piece of information graphics that portrays the results.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Synopsis of study

There are two ideas that I feel could work really well to focus on for my EMP, and I have found myself stuck between choosing which one. The first idea was to create an action plan application that would encourage people to maintain a more sustainable lifestyle, the second idea that I had in mind was to create a signage system for an environment such as a hospital or an airport where it is hard to navigate for certain people.

Below is the idea that I decided to choose in more detail: (Synopsis of study)

The current climate of today’s society is known to have a large green issue, this project aims to help to improve this issue by creating a website where people are able to understand how to maintain a more sustainable lifestyle. The website features an action plan application, this application will give people a useful tool to calculate a tangible value of their actions. The action plan application allows users to choose a prioritised to do list of realistic actions to shift them to a more sustainable lifestyle.

This site will encourage people to make a big difference to the world in which we live in. The system allows users to choose a plan that suites them best, and then customize this action plan to suit their needs, this will be focused on aspects such as expenditure. The website will be aimed at the average man and woman who are unsure about how to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

As well as creating a website I intend to create a set of promotional materials to promote the site, this will involve creating an advertising campaign and also materials to remind people to do the little things in life that have huge impact on our society, such as simple things like turning the lights off on their way out. I also intend to create a name and identity for the website.

The research for this project will involve looking at how to improve our impact on the world and how people can maintain a more sustainable lifestyle. The reason to why I have chosen this idea for this project is because I am interested in helping to improve the world in which we live in, especially because of the condition of the current climate. As a designer I feel that I should be thinking of different concepts to help improve the world, and I feel that this concept will achieve this. I also feel that this project will help me to develop a stronger breath of work to my portfolio and will also improve my chances of getting a job in the area of design that I am interested in.